Recommended Software

  • Google SketchUp 3-D modeling tool.
  • Google Chrome Brilliant browser. Extensible, open-source, and not CPU-greedy.
  • Circus Ponies Notebook Good note-taking application if you want lots of features and don't mind a large file.
  • Evernote Allows storage and well-organized access to notes you add from anywhere. A great way to set up shop on a new computer.
  • Espresso My web development editor of choice. Unbeatable usability, seamless HTML and JS editing, easy synchronization with remote servers.
  • BusyCal Calendar application that synchronizes beautifully with Google Calendar and Remember The Milk (in both directions).
  • Remember The Milk Task management service that does exactly what I want: allows quick and dirty access via a web browser, various mobile devices, and via client applications (see BusyCal, above)
  • Dropbox Elegant cross-platform file synchronization service. Integrates nicely with both iOS and Android.